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This is getting out of hand,imagine a person we voted for saying publicly even not in a local gathering for God sake in an international conference saying we are lazy despite our struggle to vote him in.In the sun we were there,in the rain we were there even when there was lightening we were also there when some were there with food in their tommy why some were there without food hoping for a better future as soon as our vote emerge him as president.There is an english say that state that "You may shoot me with hurtful words, you may cut me with your eyes and you may kill me with so much hatred, but in the end, I will rise."During the campaign period we were carried away by your enchanting promises but now there you are without any project carried out yet you are saying we are lazy.With all the promises you made which some of them are "paying of #5000 for graduates who are unemployed at the end of each month ","provision of food for primary school student","bringing back our dear chibok sisters held captive by boko haram" and so on.None of promises was fufilled yet you are there calling us lazy youth.If you call us lazy youth with all your incapabilities,breach of agreement and so on that means you should be call a"A lazy and incapable leader whom we have to impeach out of office"









With all these one man we made president with all our effort now saying we are all lazy.there is also a say that states that "It is much easier to forgive an enemy than a friend who has backstabbed and betrayed you many times."#NO_ROOM_FOR_RUBBISH.

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