Travel the world

Climb the mountains



Aside from having the time of their life and gaining memories that last forever, there are a number of important advantages that students achieve on a trip abroad. We’ve created a list of our top 10 benefits that students gain when they travel:

1. Compassion

Exposure to the problems and perks of other lifestyles helps students see their world in a different way. Having a broad awareness of how other people live and what other cultures prioritize allows a student to think differently about their own lives.

2. Confidence

Living and working for any amount of time in a culture that’s different from home can help prepare students for college in ways more profound than any sleep-away camp or vacation can. Overcoming challenges while traveling help students grow confidence and prepare them for life’s obstacles.

3. Networking

International travel, especially with a group or through a program, provides students with a global network of contacts and references. Plus, instead of relying on others’ opinions, travelers establish perspective, confidence and conviction that make it easier to gain the respect of others.

4. Grit

Traveling away from the comfort of friends, family and familiar surroundings is tough. But doing it shows that a person is interested enough in the rest of the world, and confident enough to venture out and discover other parts of the world. This is a character trait that’s very appealing to colleges and employers.

5. Better academic performance

Research has shown that travel increases gains in academic content knowledge. Traveling while young, of course while fun, is also an important investment to enhance a student’s academic performance in the future.

6. Perspective

Unfamiliarity and separation from home are great incubators for thought. New experiences will question one’s preconceived ideas. This enriching experience challenges students to open their minds regarding food, friends, and basic needs.

7. Individuality

Travel provides experiences to define a person’s place and purpose and establishes lifelong values and priorities. Discovering a new place is also a chance to discover one’s self, without the usual influences of home.

8. Growth & Independence

While away from home and the ease of a regular support system, students have opportunities to see what they are capable of accomplishing by themselves. Traveling allows students to develop themselves in ways that can’t be achieved without stepping outside of their comfort zone.

9. Appreciation

Getting away from home is also a chance to allow a student to realize what they miss most. Experiencing another place and culture is an opportunity to appreciate what they already have and realize the importance of the little things that often go unnoticed.

10. New Friends

Cultural immersion through travel and service programs can also help break down language barriers and open new channels of lifelong communication. Exploring a new place opens doors to establish new friendships and relationships that never would have been acquired without traveling.

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